April 18, 2007

Weighing In: VA Tech and the "Gun-Free Zone"

Well, unless you have literally been staying under a rock the past few days you've been glued to the T.V. set and the constant coverage at the VA Tech campus. Alot of opinions have been thrown around through the course of this incident and most of them are understandable and the feelings can be empathized with. However, throughout the who ordeal people continue to ask a single question.. How did this happen?

Allow me to tackle it.

This event was set in to motion years ago through the twisted mindset of Cho Seung-Hui and the obvious oversight on the part of his family and peers. I'm not saying his parents are bad parents, but with the anti-social track record this kid had there is no way his parents didn't think there was a problem. So, we have troubled Cho growing up and no one taking notice until his creative writing teacher sees his writings while he is a student at VA tech.

She informs people, she instructs Cho to see counseling. However, nothing else was said. The teacher doesn't need to feel any remorse for what she had done because she did was she thought was right. She told people and one could say that it was a warning of how dangerous and troubled Cho actually was. She couldn't pursue the matter because she wasn't allowed too.

Now, we understand that the college waited two hours to email people. We know that they waited an hour to actually notify outside law enforcement. We know they pretty much dropped the ball on trying to contain this incident. Well, what about the students who had went to class that day and only thought about french class and nothing else?

Well, that entire class was brutally killed by Cho Seung-Hui methodically and reports say that he lined them up and started killing them one by one executioner style. Now, here is my question....

Why didn't anyone try to stop him? I don't mean the professors there....I mean the students. Why did they all line up and sit patiently as their turn came to die? Why didn't the 20+ students, who could clearly have overpowered Cho, rush him and beat this little deviant till he wasn't recognizable?

Because we have taught our children to be weak. I'm sure people will think thats harsh. Well, I guess it is but it is also true. No one, and I mean no one, was prepared to handle this type of situation and not one person on campus was properly armed in case they needed to protect themselves or someone else. Virginia Tech took pride in saying there were a "Gun-Free Zone" but any logical person knows that those titles and laws only effect law abiding citizens. Cho, who obviously didnt care about the law, brought a gun anyways and took out 20+ students who were completely defenseless.

Defenseless. Completely. Utterly. Defenseless.

Gun Control advocates are going nuts over this and are basically politicizing it so they can push a Gun Ban agenda across the board. You'll hear it spring up in the news if you haven't already. However, is that what should happen? Should we give up another right for another false sense of security? I mean, we can take VA tech as an example. The school administration took pride in their gun-free campus and they pretty much thought they were "secure" but instead they were unarmed walking ducks just waiting to be a target for some crazed loon like Cho.

Red flags went up across the board that basically told everyone that Cho Seung-Hui was a ticking time bomb. The school, his parents, and his peers pretty much dropped the ball on stopping him. However, the real tragedy came when Cho walked in to that building and headed up towards that classroom. Not just because of what he did, but because he was almost completely uninhibited in his rampage.

Only two people have been shown to have stood against Cho Seung-Hui. The first was Ryan Clark who was involved in the first homicide that morning. He came to the aide of his neighbor when Cho began his murderous rampage. A life full of potential was robbed by a maniacs bullet....and yet he walked away from that building and for an hour no one tried to stop him. That is....until he came across:

Liviu Librescu, 76, who was an israeli professor and holocaust survivor. This 76 year old man stood and barred the door to stop Cho from entering his classroom. Cho shot through the door and moratlly wounded Mr. Librescu, but his heroism and strength saved students that day by giving them time to get out through the window.

Two people. That's the number of people that tried to stop him. If one or both of them were armed it may have been a different story. Cho might not have ever made it to the other 29 people that died that day.

What else can I say? a sequence of events led to the most tragic school shooting in American history. There were many opportunities through this sequence to avert this disaster, however not one of those chances were ever followed nor pursued.

Hopefully, the people can learn from this incident. We don't need to trade more strength and offense for security. We need to prepare ourselves for any situation and build out own individual walls and defenses in case another loon decides to go on a rampage. We need to be armed and ready to stop evil before it can rise and take more lives.

Evil came armed that day, and Good wasn't ready to stop him.

Posted by: NthPower at 01:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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