June 26, 2007

Retarded idea of the Month : Doritos the Game

Well, it might not actually turn out to be a game involving actual doritos, but after the dismal product placement that Burger King had with the Xbox 360 I just see this ending up one of the most horrible public stunts ever.

Doritos justifies this atrocity by saying their product is an "Intense experience"

Now, I have never ate a dorito and said "Holy crap! That experience was so FREAKIN INTENSE!" unless you count the time I ate a whole bag of Fiery Habanero doritos and I didn't have a drink handy to quell the angry heat that was burning within my mouth. I have not done that since, for my friend offered me this bit of wisdom: "Why would you want to eat something that hurts you?"


Now, they do offer some pretty cool prizes for the people who win, but even if you won would you really want to make this game? and actually play it? No, you probably wouldn't, and lets be honest.....unless they make a surfing game where you ride on different flavors of Dorito's it's going to be the most awful thing ever. Don't think about stealing that because I've already submitted it as an idea to the contest.

Why would I participate in a contest which I abhor? Because it's got free stuff to give away and I'm all about free stuff yo. Plus, if I do win something I'll just sell it to get a Playstation 3.

Posted by: NthPower at 02:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 25, 2007


It's from IMAO.

Probably one of the funniest and yet most accurate fake-ads that I have ever seen. If only I could actually get that little gem played on my TV stations around my area.

Posted by: NthPower at 04:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Evidence - Clinton Tape captures Commission of Crime.

Turns out that a tape from 2000 shows Senator Clinton committing a few felonies regarding her 2000 senate run campaign.

Here's a little snippet from the story:

The tape shows Clinton -- currently the leading Democratic presidential contender -- speaking in 2000 with Peter Paul, a Hollywood mogul, and comic book icon Stan Lee about a massive fundraising event for her 2000 Senate race. Paul spent about $2 million of his own money to produce the event. The legal contribution limit to a candidate then was $2,000.

"The evidence is of that rare type that captures the very commission of a crime, namely, that of knowingly soliciting, coordinating and accepting federal campaign contributions far in excess of the legal limit of $2,000," says the brief to be filed by Paul's attorney with the Court of Appeal, 2nd Appellate District arguing in favor of including the tape as evidence.

Wooooo~ Now that's some heavy cash being thrown around, and it well exceeds the $2000 limit. Turns out that Senator Clinton's campaign was already in trouble for not giving exact and accurate numbers regarding her campaign finance funds, but now we have this video tape that shows her committing these crimes. Hopefully someone will pin this trial to her and make sure it sticks.

Oh, and her hubby/manager Bill Clinton was involved in this as well and while he was still president no less. Kinda funny that none of this is mentioned on Hillary's website or in the other MSM establishments, but i'm not really shocked on that one.

Posted by: NthPower at 03:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 22, 2007

Microsoft Surface - A Realistic Approach

Microsoft Surface Technology Parody

It says "Parody" but it really isn't too far from the truth. Although totally cool the Surface is totally pointless if you don't have $10,000 to spend on it OR if no one else but you has one.

Must be what a Mac user feels like with all that limited user-base. You can visit the site of origin if you like Microsoft 360 humping Mac users with their massively slightly less user base.

Posted by: NthPower at 10:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gaming related! There are other MMO's besides World of Warcraft.

Yes, it's true and it's called Warhammer Online.

Yep, the closed beta signups for the European and North American regions are underway and I recommend you sign up for the newsletter too. Why? Because it helps your chances to getting chosen for the CB. At least thats what the website says and since it's subject matter involves Warhammer I must believe it.

My very soul depends on it.

Oh, and if anyone makes a comment on here that claims such moronic things like "zomg! That looks like WoW!" or "More like World of Warhammer!"....well....then I cannot guarantee your safety.

Try these other MMO's out while your at it. Some are golden oldies (if you call 5 years old) but are still alot more fun than NOT playing them.

Sword of the New World
Ragnarok Online
Guild Wars
Final Fantasy XI
RF Online

There are plenty of others, but you know....i'm lazy and I don't want to label them all.

Posted by: NthPower at 07:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Powerthirst! - It's Menergy!!!

It's the latest fad! There is so much amount of awesome in that video that it might just make your monitor punch you in the face.

Posted by: NthPower at 06:12 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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That's Not Kanon

New addition to the Blogroll. It's a Blaahg known as "That's Not Kanon: and is run by a friend of mine, Hidoshi. He's got info on anything, and I mean ANYTHING, Anime related. Gaming, Gundam stuff, Conventions...it's all there.

So, how about doing me, and Hidoshi, the favor of stopping by and checking out what he has going over there. He updates pretty darned regularly and I must admit, jealously, that his website is alot more prettier than mine.

Posted by: NthPower at 05:17 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 82 words, total size 1 kb.

New Widget on the Sidebar

A Heroes! Widget.  Why Heroes? Because i'm a geek like that and I don't care what any of you (what little might pass by) think about my nerdyness.

Posted by: NthPower at 02:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 33 words, total size 1 kb.

June 21, 2007

Old people are funny....sorta

Mike Gravel is one of those "funny" old people, but not in the Ha-Ha sense, but in the creepy, delirious, "did he escape from assisted living" funny. Now, I think that all of the democratic candidates are so filled with liberal bat-@#$% craziness that none of then have ANY hope of reform, but Gravel is just plain old-fashion, old-skool clinic crazy.

If you've seen any of his...uhh..."commercials" on Youtube then you have probably seen the weirdness first hand. The craziness continues below the fold.

Be warned though! This old guy does know how to throw rocks and start fires....something, im pretty sure of, that could get him put back in his old folks home.

Posted by: NthPower at 02:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Boy are their faces going to be red.....from frostbite.

Looks like scientists have asked us to prepare for something that might actually happen.

Except this time it involves something that actually determines temperature on the planet Earth : The Sun. I guess that big ball of light in the sky carries more weight than we do after all....but it doesn't have an SUV so who knows where these crazy solar scientists get their denier info.

Solar scientists predict that, by 2020, the sun will be starting into its weakest Schwabe solar cycle of the past two centuries, likely leading to unusually cool conditions on Earth. Beginning to plan for adaptation to such a cool period, one which may continue well beyond one 11-year cycle, as did the Little Ice Age, should be a priority for governments. It is global cooling, not warming, that is the major climate threat to the world, especially Canada. As a country at the northern limit to agriculture in the world, it would take very little cooling to destroy much of our food crops, while a warming would only require that we adopt farming techniques practiced to the south of us.

Oh, Ohhhhhh.

Well, im happy about this really. In fact im hoping to be able to break out my sled in the middle of june or something like that, and if it snows REALLY bad that year and stays there....well...then I might just have to start buying Penguins....for food obviously.

Posted by: NthPower at 01:57 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 245 words, total size 2 kb.

June 20, 2007

The View or should I say "Three socialist douche-tools Vs. Star and Elizabeth"

Well, not really so much against Elizabeth, but you can tell when she starts talking they are hoping that she doesn't join Star in trying to corner Michael Moore on why his movie is a piece of crap.

As for his comments on the "Socialized Medicine should be called Christianized Medicine" let me clarify what Star was going to say before she was cut off by Barbara and then mocked by Joy "The only thing funny about me is my face." Bahar.

Her point was that Christians support helping others, but it should be an act of charity and not forced legislation. People should help others in a time of need, but it should be their choice to do so. Christianity is the epicenter of individualism and in it's practices, aside from fellowship during church services, it is always completely personal and between that one individual and God.

So, to hear Michael Moore use Christianity as a means of pushing forwards his Communist/Socialist agenda it just infuriates me.

Posted by: NthPower at 03:02 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 181 words, total size 1 kb.

Here's my arm and that leg you wanted! Can I have my iPhone now?

Holy crap!

After going reading the price of what that little gem of technology is going to cost people my wallet screamed for me to just go ahead and kill it. Good news though! I'm not gonna fork over the cash for that astronomically priced piece of innovation.

Why? Because it isn't that great. To clarify lets go ahead and look at what the iPhone is exactly. Well, for starts it's a phone and a pretty snazzy looking one at that, and it's pretty much an iPod. It does have that nifty multi-touch control scheme and it uses the new Mac OS X, but other than that what else can it do? Well, to put it simply....nothing.

The iPhone is nothing more than a fancy iPod that can make phone calls, and lets not forget that your pumping in almost $2000 for a product that hasn't been rated yet. Is it reliable? Will it continuously drop calls? Will I have to pay for updates to the OS?

None of those questions have ever been answered, but Apple still expects people to rush out and sign on that dotted line for something thats just what we already have just wrapped up in a new pretty case.

However, the iPhone has pretty much everyone convinced it's the messiah of communication, so we'll just have to wait and see what it's sales are. If it DOES sell extremely well then I'm going to start questioning every gamers complaint that the Playstation 3 is too expensive. Considering the PS3 is a machine that can do way more on it's own than the iPhone can (considering the PS3 is infinitely less than the iPhone when compared to purchase and fees) it just wouldn't make sense to me that consumers would sink money in to a pit such as the iPhone while claiming that the entertainment center that is the Playstation is undeserving of the same profitable treatment.

Posted by: NthPower at 12:32 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 336 words, total size 2 kb.

June 19, 2007

Robot Chicken Star Wars Parody

It's the Robot Chicken full feature that premiered on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. Some of the skits had already been seen before (the W. Jedi skit for one) but the Star Wars skits are hilarious.

Update: Adultswim has moved the video from Super Deluxe to their homesite, but they forgot to put the embed code up. I'll change the video when I get the code.

Posted by: NthPower at 02:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 71 words, total size 1 kb.

Hilarious : Temperature recording stations found to be effected by microsite growth.

You know those nifty temperature recording stations that are used to tell us if Global Warming is actually happening of not? Well, This site points out some of the issues regarding the upkeep of some of these stations.

As it turns out many of these stations were placed in some of the weirdest of places. Some are near airport tarmacs where all that asphalt is AND some are being subjected to Jet blast. Some are hanging out near Air conditioning vents (which blow hot air outside and cold air inside) and some are found right on top of asphalt.

Government regulations state that they are supposed to be like...100 feet from or so from any building and are required to be away from machinery and asphalt. Looks like some of these stations aren't following regulations, but they still report those altered temperature readings anyways.

The site uses charts from these stations to show the temp increase related to each station and the ones exposed to all of those heat causing elements show much higher readings than ones that are left out away from all of the interferences.

I wonder what Gorebot and his government buddies pushing all this Global Warming nonsense would say if someone brought all this up to light in a conference, but who am I kidding....no one would ever call em on it anyways.

Thanks goes to Neal Boortz for the link.

Posted by: NthPower at 02:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Score!: Woman PWNS Islam

Arab Woman Takes On Muslim Cleric

Official Score : Free-thinking Woman - 1
                     Crazy Islam Cleric - 0

Posted by: NthPower at 01:22 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 22 words, total size 1 kb.

June 18, 2007

NASCAR Vs. AT&T: round 1 - FIGHT!

This isn't really "zomg breaking!" news, but it is worth noting that AT&T is being a big ole douche-company lately.

Do I support corporate business? Yes. Do I support corporate business that uses contract loopholes as a means to force their business upon others? No.

AT&T has had a reputation lately for actively attacking it's competitors through, shall I say, less than desirable means. Example: AT&T has been pursuing areas which are primarily serviced by Comcast Cable, but instead of just offering their service at a reasonable price and letting their product do the selling they are instead pursuing legal action against Comcast and fellow cable providers claiming that Cable has been overpriced and has reached it's success through gouging customers.

AT&T is using the attack as a means of strangulating cable companies while promoting their own DSL and TV programming services. Many of their commercials aren't even hiding their goal at smearing their competition and using a type of vague mud-slinging to try and persuade customers away from Cable providers.

It's not illegal persay, but it is shallow and tactless. Now, they are doing the same thing with NASCAR and Nextel. AT&T knows that Nextel has a 10-year 700 million dollar contract with NASCAR, but they figured out that if they buy out a few companies perhaps they can weasel in a few promotions for themselves. Problem is....they can't really do that. The agreement was for -CINGULAR- and not AT&T, but because AT&T bought out Cingular they believe they can over-ride the grandfathering that NASCAR used to allow cingular to promote their product on Jeff Burton's car.

See? Legal loopholing seems so much fun!

It's identical to what they did with Bellsouth too. The Bellsouth market was primarily a phone company that was way way lower in the demographic as far as DSL and TV programming. Why? Because Cable is a superior service. I'm sure that's why I pay more, but as I stated above AT&T is using the buyout of Bellsouth to attack cable providers within those areas that dislike DSL service.

And so....it goes round and round again. instead of abiding by the rules and letting their product do the talking AT&T has asked the judicial branch of the government step in and try to handle things. That's probably why I don't have them for my phone service anymore.

Posted by: NthPower at 01:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 399 words, total size 3 kb.

June 15, 2007

Microsoft Surface....again

Posted by: NthPower at 02:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Fair to Midland - Kinda awesome

I'm a big rocker so when I came across this I knew I was going to have to post it to the Hammer. Sure, they are signed under Serje Tankian's label and HE IS a liberal douche. I'm also pretty sure that Fair to Midland is tuned in to his whole crazy mindset too, but despite their ignorant world and political views (assuming they side with Tankian) the music is pretty solid.

So, enjoy with a clear mind. Or something.

Posted by: NthPower at 02:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 86 words, total size 1 kb.

Shocker: Angelina Jolie is a Hypocrite

Well, we already knew it but she's deciding that we didn't know it quite enough

Turns out that Mrs. Hot Body/Crazy Head was up for some interviews regarding the new film she is in titled "A Mighty Heart". The movie, ironically, is about Daniel Pearl who was a journalist who was beheaded back in 2002 Muslim terrorists. At the time Mr. Pearl was investigating the shoe bomber case and trying to follow the allegations that Al Qaeda had ties with the Pakitstani ISI.

I'm assuming that the point of that film is that this mans diligence to find the truth in any circumstance is the basis behind freedom of press. However, Ms. Jolie, who plays the part of Pearl's widow in the movie, decided she wanted to censor all of her interviews and then threaten the news outlets with legal action if they did not meet her demands.

She didn't get her interviews suffice to say.

Then, as if that wasn't enough, she wanted FOX news banned from covering any of the red carpet hooplah on the opening night of "A Mighty Heart". Yeah, that sure sounds like she's been all for that freedom of press thing. However, i'm sure that most people will let it go cause 1) Angelina Jolie is a beautiful woman 2) she has money and 3) She used to carry vials of blood around her neck, and anyone will tell you that you just don't mess with those kinds of people.

At least I think that's how it goes...anyways if there is one thing we can all agree one it's this: Angelina Jolie needs to shut up and just continue to make movies where she can take advantage of her one good asset -  Her figure.

Posted by: NthPower at 01:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 297 words, total size 2 kb.

June 06, 2007

Another reason why the borders need to be closed.

Terrorists use Mexico to enter the US

At least that's what the story is alluding too. If the President really wishes to secure this country from invaders or terrorism, and he has constantly stood on television and assured us that does, then why hasn't he taken the steps nescessary to close down and secure the border with the use of a physical and virtual fence. We have the technology and we surely have the manpower here in the country (of legal citizens) to build the wall and secure out borders.

Come on "El Presidente" your base has already abandoned you, so why not just do something that will gain all that favor that you've lost from just about everyone. Here's an idea.....don't pass this bogus immigration bill.

Posted by: NthPower at 01:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 136 words, total size 1 kb.

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